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Frequently asked questions

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The main difference between a wall mural and wallpaper is how you use them.  Usually, wall murals are applied to just one feature wall in a room, whereas wallpaper is applied to multiple walls. Different from wallpaper, wall murals are large scale designs, made to measure for your specific space. Plus, often a wall mural design tells a story, it is just like a big canvas painting on your wall. All our wall murals are cut into exact strips, made to measure as per dimensions of your wall. Check out all our wall mural designs here.

A repeating pattern wallpaper means that you can place it seamlessly across as many wall surfaces as you like. Baubauwall wallpapers are all 49 cm wide and cut in the length as you ordered. Every wallpaper strip is numbered, in which order it should be hang on the wall.

Check out our guide here! Both in video and more detailed instructions are available.

Our wallpaper is printed on non-vowen paper material. It is beautifully natural white, matte and ultra smooth. Not to mention – breathable, eco-friendly. Forget shiny vinyls!

Non-woven wallpaper is a mixture of synthetic and natural fibres. The non-woven wallpaper material has become the most popular choice for every interior designer and wallpaper printer! Non-woven wallpaper is renowned for its sturdiness, making it durable and not to forget – washable. A stable substrate also guarantees seamless results, and wallpaper that is both easy to apply and dry strippable.

Our wallpaper material is paper based – non woven. It is remarkably easy to keep it looking clean. The special blend of natural and synthetic fibers makes non woven wallpaper strong enough to be washable.  Accidents may happen – you can spill something on your wallpaper, then immediately gently dab it off with a damp cloth or sponge. Please use light cleaning liquids and do not rub!

You do not need to worry about that! Baubauwall’s wallpaper arrives in ready cut strips, each in width of 49 cm and length – exactly as per your wall! The number of the strip is marked on the top tag of each wallpaper panel. Place the wallpaper panels side by side from left to right, according to specified number.


Baubauwall’s wallpaper strips must be glued on the wall each side by side, not overlap. Press the strips together firmly at the seams. Make sure to match up the pattern with the next wallpaper strip. Simply follow the numbers written on top of each wallpaper panel.


Yes you can! All of our wallpapers are printed on non-woven material. It does not mean its waterproof. But non-woven wallpapers can be used in the bathroom or toilet with caution and proper ventilation. All you have to do is make sure it isn’t exposed to water on a frequent basis.  So – do not put wallpaper directly around shower or bath. But for example – that wall behind the mirror and vanity shelves. Or a small toilet – well chosen wallpaper can make it the cutest room of the house!


As soon as we receive from you the wallpaper in return, we will refund the full amount within 14 days. The money will be refunded via the same payment method that you used when placing the purchase at our e-shop.

Please ensure that the wallpaper meets your expectations before you assemble it, we do not reimburse any costs for mounting.

Biophilic design means “love of nature”  and focuses on reuniting people with their natural surroundings. Biophilic design wallpapers seek to restore connection with nature by incorporating natural aspects such as nature-inspired patterns, earthy colors, textures, and materials into interiors. See our selection here.

As much as we love walls – afterall, look what privacy and wallpaper space they grant us!  Walls never tend to be perfectly straight. Even if they seem to be. It’s simple:

  • Measure your wall width from 3 different spots. The top, middle and near the floor. Choose the BIGGEST NUMBER.
  • Measure your wall height from 3 different spots. Left, right sides and the middle. Choose the BIGGEST NUMBER.
  • All done! Now, add 5 cm / 2 inches to both measurements – just to be on the safe side when installing wallpaper.
  • Insert these 2 numbers on your desired wallpaper design and we take care of the rest!


We make choosing, purchasing and installing wallpaper simple! We custom-print wallpapers to fit all your wall measurements. You do not need to worry how many rolls you need – we do that for you. Simply insert your wall dimensions on our website and we take care of the rest.

Your new wallpaper comes in cut strips, each numbered according to what order they must be installed on the wall. We print in Tallinn, Estonia at our own printing house, where we closely monitor the quality of every single order to make sure your new wallpaper arrives just perfectly!


You can return purchases made from our own wallpapers, repeat pattern and photo wallpapers selection. We accept your return if for some reason (oh, and we are so sorry to hear that!) you do not want the purchased wallpaper. You can withdraw within 14 days from the day of receiving the product. The returned wallpaper must be unmounted, with no cuts, stains or added elements. Read more of returns and refunds here. 

Returns are not accepted for “Upload you image” wallpapers, unless for the faulty product caused by the producer.

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